Being a Goal Digger

You ever told someone something, maybe it was advice or important news they got from you first. It pretty much went in one ear and out the other… that is until they heard the exact same thing you’ve been saying the whole time from a complete stranger! The humbling moment is when you catch yourself doing the same thing to someone else. You see… like many Apex Hustlers, I didn’t have much growing up. My parents however, were determined for me to have a better life. One of the ways my Dad sought to make this happen was by instilling the importance of setting goals. “Write your goals!” “Read your goals!” Over and over again. It seemed kinda weird at the time because you never heard anyone else talking about goals. Now, you see #goal digger, #squad goals, #relationship goals, etc… everywhere. Goals aren’t weird anymore. So whether I’m the first person to tell you “Write your goals!” or you just need to hear it one more time, here goes some goal setting guidance.

Set smart goals. As opposed to what… Dumb Goals? … No, I mean that too but what I really mean is set S.M.A.R.T. goals. Yeah, its an acronym to help you set real goals that actually help you be successful. Sooo then… what is a S.M.A.R.T. goal? I got you, here we go:

S- Specific. So if your goal is to make more money, you can make that goal “smarter” by being more specific and making your goal to save up $10,000 in your opportunity/ emergency fund.

M- Measurable. Similar to specific. But this part is about the numbers. Dollars, pounds, seconds, etc. You have to have a clear definition of accomplishing your goal.

A- Attainable. “My goal is to find a genie lamp, make two wishes and set genie free with the third.” That may be somewhat specific and measurable, come on now… pick something that doesn’t leave you some easy excuse not to reach your goal.

R- Relevant/Rewarding. Don’t set goals just to set them. Set goals that make a meaningful lasting impact on your life or those you care about.

T- Time bound. “I will achieve this goal by XXXX date. After you figure out how many days, months, years or whatever it will take for you to reach your goal, check a calendar and see exactly what date it is and write it down.

So an example of a S.M.A.R.T. goal for wanting to read more books is “I will read the books Hustle Harder Hustle Smarter, 48 Laws of Power, and Think and Grow Rich, no later than the 8th of August, 2020 in order to increase my motivation, leadership, and hustle skills. Be smart and set S.M.A.R.T. goals. Write them out and read them daily. Be Apex. Top of the Food Chain.